I must blog about not smoking. I haven’t done so yet, because I wanted to be sure I could actually go through with it, so far so good (other than a few cheats a few weekends ago when I was drinking, oh that evil alcohol!) and Chantix truly is a wonder drug!
I didn’t think there was anything out there that would actually make me stop smoking. I tried the patch a few years ago and that lasted 5 days and 10 hours to be exact, and it was the worst experience of my life. Well, one of them anyway, I’ve had some bad experiences in my day! On the patch, I would cry uncontrollably for no reason whatsoever. I seriously felt like I had lost my best friend, it didn’t help at all. At one point I was absolutely ready to put every single entire patch in the box on my body, to see if that would help! Of course I didn’t, as I could have possibly died or had what happened in Thank You For Smoking. That movie kicks total ass by the way, if you haven’t seen it, you will and you will LOVE it. Absolutely fantastic dialogue and an amazing ensemble cast!
I have smoked a pack of cigarettes a day since I was 18 years old (I smoked before that too, but for shits and giggles, we are gonna do math based on 12 years of smoking only). That is approximately 87,360 cigarettes folks. Cost wise? Let’s go with $3 a pack for the first 3 years, then $4 a pack for the next 8 years, then $5 a pack for the last year. Remember, I’m only doing 12 years here and the cost is decided by the tax increases, also that since then, I generally always bought by the carton to “save” money. Grand total: $16,744.00!!! That is a shitton of money I have wasted in the last 12 years just to ruin my lungs and give myself chronic bronchitis! Holy fucking shitballs! Yes, this math has been done in real time, so I’m just as shocked as you right now.
So, it’s really not been hard at all, please go to the Chantix website linked above to learn how it works, as I don’t feel the need to explain it. I just feel the need to tell those who are skeptical about it, that I am living proof that this shit really is different and really does work. I smoked like a fiend; I smoked as much and as often as I could. I loved my cigarettes and NEVER went without them.
However, I would like to say that for the most part, I have always been a considerate smoker. I did not smoke in my car when others were in it who did not smoke (except Colleen and Jodi, they just had to deal cuz they were my friends), I did not smoke in my house, I did not care if I sat in the no smoking section in restaurants, I actually preferred it. Oh, I also HATED smoking rooms at hotels, they were disgusting, I'd always prefer a non-smoking room! Admittedly if I'd get drunk (which inevitably I did on a trip, business or pleasure) I'd smoke in it, I know, I know, THAT was inconsiderate, I know!
Anyway, my official quit date was June 15th, I cheated on June 22 (about 4 cigs) and June 23 (about 5 cigs) but other than that, not ONE cigarette. Don’t get me wrong, I have my moments, they come on very suddenly and I just have to stop for a second, calm myself down (sometimes the Xanax comes into play, but not always) and then I’m cool, usually goes away after a few minutes. So I guess now my official quit date is June 24th, which I’m fine with, I really am.
Side effects on this drug you ask? Hell yeah there are, and they kick ass! I have the most bizzaro and vivid dreams, they are really kick ass. I can even hit the snooze during the week and go right back into the dream. I don’t remember most, not well enough to tell you guys about, so I haven’t, but they are great and EVERY night. That is the only side effect I’ve had.
I have also had quite a few friends (hence how I found out about this newer drug on the market) use this stuff and quit successfully as well. I was the biggest skeptic in the world, but finally had to admit to myself and my doctor that I needed some help. That my health was finally important enough to me to do something about it (more on that later as well). He was pleased as punch of course, as he’s been by doc since I was 21, and has always been cool about the smoking (he’s an ex-smoker, hippy dude from the old school) but of course wished I would. He knew that no matter what he said or did, it was up to me, and I would never quit successfully until I was actually ready to do so. He happily wrote out the prescription for me.
The ONLY thing that bugs me is that this stuff costs about $115.00 per month, as insurance does not cover it. Now I KNOW that I spent about $120 per month on cigarettes, so I’m not bitching, because in 3 months, that payment won’t exist, and I’ll have over $1,200.00 extra dollars a year to buy something else with. BUT, my point is this; why in the fuck do insurance companies not cover this? I mean think about it, I’m doing something to ACTIVELY improve upon my health, why wouldn’t you want to help me along with that Mr. Insurance Company Executive? The alternative is me continuing to smoke, my chronic bronchitis turns to COPD or better yet emphysema and my hospital bills go through the roof, most of it on your dime? HELLO BRAINIACS?!?! Same with birth control pills, I’ve had insurance that didn’t cover it, that should be a no brainer too?! Insurance is gay.
I didn’t think there was anything out there that would actually make me stop smoking. I tried the patch a few years ago and that lasted 5 days and 10 hours to be exact, and it was the worst experience of my life. Well, one of them anyway, I’ve had some bad experiences in my day! On the patch, I would cry uncontrollably for no reason whatsoever. I seriously felt like I had lost my best friend, it didn’t help at all. At one point I was absolutely ready to put every single entire patch in the box on my body, to see if that would help! Of course I didn’t, as I could have possibly died or had what happened in Thank You For Smoking. That movie kicks total ass by the way, if you haven’t seen it, you will and you will LOVE it. Absolutely fantastic dialogue and an amazing ensemble cast!
I have smoked a pack of cigarettes a day since I was 18 years old (I smoked before that too, but for shits and giggles, we are gonna do math based on 12 years of smoking only). That is approximately 87,360 cigarettes folks. Cost wise? Let’s go with $3 a pack for the first 3 years, then $4 a pack for the next 8 years, then $5 a pack for the last year. Remember, I’m only doing 12 years here and the cost is decided by the tax increases, also that since then, I generally always bought by the carton to “save” money. Grand total: $16,744.00!!! That is a shitton of money I have wasted in the last 12 years just to ruin my lungs and give myself chronic bronchitis! Holy fucking shitballs! Yes, this math has been done in real time, so I’m just as shocked as you right now.
So, it’s really not been hard at all, please go to the Chantix website linked above to learn how it works, as I don’t feel the need to explain it. I just feel the need to tell those who are skeptical about it, that I am living proof that this shit really is different and really does work. I smoked like a fiend; I smoked as much and as often as I could. I loved my cigarettes and NEVER went without them.
However, I would like to say that for the most part, I have always been a considerate smoker. I did not smoke in my car when others were in it who did not smoke (except Colleen and Jodi, they just had to deal cuz they were my friends), I did not smoke in my house, I did not care if I sat in the no smoking section in restaurants, I actually preferred it. Oh, I also HATED smoking rooms at hotels, they were disgusting, I'd always prefer a non-smoking room! Admittedly if I'd get drunk (which inevitably I did on a trip, business or pleasure) I'd smoke in it, I know, I know, THAT was inconsiderate, I know!
Anyway, my official quit date was June 15th, I cheated on June 22 (about 4 cigs) and June 23 (about 5 cigs) but other than that, not ONE cigarette. Don’t get me wrong, I have my moments, they come on very suddenly and I just have to stop for a second, calm myself down (sometimes the Xanax comes into play, but not always) and then I’m cool, usually goes away after a few minutes. So I guess now my official quit date is June 24th, which I’m fine with, I really am.
Side effects on this drug you ask? Hell yeah there are, and they kick ass! I have the most bizzaro and vivid dreams, they are really kick ass. I can even hit the snooze during the week and go right back into the dream. I don’t remember most, not well enough to tell you guys about, so I haven’t, but they are great and EVERY night. That is the only side effect I’ve had.
I have also had quite a few friends (hence how I found out about this newer drug on the market) use this stuff and quit successfully as well. I was the biggest skeptic in the world, but finally had to admit to myself and my doctor that I needed some help. That my health was finally important enough to me to do something about it (more on that later as well). He was pleased as punch of course, as he’s been by doc since I was 21, and has always been cool about the smoking (he’s an ex-smoker, hippy dude from the old school) but of course wished I would. He knew that no matter what he said or did, it was up to me, and I would never quit successfully until I was actually ready to do so. He happily wrote out the prescription for me.
The ONLY thing that bugs me is that this stuff costs about $115.00 per month, as insurance does not cover it. Now I KNOW that I spent about $120 per month on cigarettes, so I’m not bitching, because in 3 months, that payment won’t exist, and I’ll have over $1,200.00 extra dollars a year to buy something else with. BUT, my point is this; why in the fuck do insurance companies not cover this? I mean think about it, I’m doing something to ACTIVELY improve upon my health, why wouldn’t you want to help me along with that Mr. Insurance Company Executive? The alternative is me continuing to smoke, my chronic bronchitis turns to COPD or better yet emphysema and my hospital bills go through the roof, most of it on your dime? HELLO BRAINIACS?!?! Same with birth control pills, I’ve had insurance that didn’t cover it, that should be a no brainer too?! Insurance is gay.